Rose Colored Glasses
I have realized something very interesting about myself: In the insane world of dating and romance I seem to have the blinders on. Well, I used too. I think my last experience taught me a very valuable lesson. There were a plethora of half truths & Jedi mind tricks. I spent a great amount of energy being frustrated, feeling sad, foolish & humiliated (I am supposed to be a smart girl!) It was like watching a dog chase his tail and then some kinda way I joined the silly game!
I could easily feel like all men are cruel, self absorbed, heartless, inconsiderate jerks. However, I am not going to be a man-hater! Some men just don't respect women, only see women as a source of sexual pleasure, or simply get a thrill out of drama.. at such an emotional cost. (Not their own emotions of course!) Some men are just plain old GREEDY.. they want the different dimensions of many women that combine to make one women in their mind.
I think there are other men that had bad experiences and have decided their purpose in all relationships is to "get them before they get me!" The sad thing is.. everyone is not out to get you! Who wants to live life like that anyway?? Basically that means you will forever be lonely because you are consistently sabotaging every relationship that you have. Plus, you are so busy concentrating on your plot to sabotage you could have a true gem and loose out completely! There has to be a level of insanity in that game!!!
I was reading this book and it said.."When things don't work out in one relationship, that just means there is someone else in the universe that is willing to love you more!! " That certainly gives me peace of mind! We often have plans and think we know what is best for us.. but God knows best. He can give us exactly what we need. That thing we want so badly could be carrying the most soul altering venom! Words like: nefarious, debauchery, temperance, masochism, nor sadistic should not be used to describe inimate relationships! I like nirvana.. that is an ideal word for an intimate relationship!
I could easily feel like all men are cruel, self absorbed, heartless, inconsiderate jerks. However, I am not going to be a man-hater! Some men just don't respect women, only see women as a source of sexual pleasure, or simply get a thrill out of drama.. at such an emotional cost. (Not their own emotions of course!) Some men are just plain old GREEDY.. they want the different dimensions of many women that combine to make one women in their mind.
I think there are other men that had bad experiences and have decided their purpose in all relationships is to "get them before they get me!" The sad thing is.. everyone is not out to get you! Who wants to live life like that anyway?? Basically that means you will forever be lonely because you are consistently sabotaging every relationship that you have. Plus, you are so busy concentrating on your plot to sabotage you could have a true gem and loose out completely! There has to be a level of insanity in that game!!!
I was reading this book and it said.."When things don't work out in one relationship, that just means there is someone else in the universe that is willing to love you more!! " That certainly gives me peace of mind! We often have plans and think we know what is best for us.. but God knows best. He can give us exactly what we need. That thing we want so badly could be carrying the most soul altering venom! Words like: nefarious, debauchery, temperance, masochism, nor sadistic should not be used to describe inimate relationships! I like nirvana.. that is an ideal word for an intimate relationship!
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